Ukemi Basics

Ukemi Basics

  What is Ukemi? It is the art of falling! When you begin learning Judo, one of the first things taught is how to fall. If you don’t know how to take a fall properly you will end up being extremely sore and are more likely to get an injury! In this video...
Gokyo # 3

Gokyo # 3

Gokyo # 3 is the third series of 8 moves that Judokas learn. The throws are: Ko-soto-gake, Tsuri-gosh, Yoko-otoshi, Ashi-guruma, Hane-goshi Harai-tsuri-komi-ashi, Tomoe-nage, and...
Gokyo # 2

Gokyo # 2

This is the second set of 8 throws that make up the second Gokyo: Ko-soto-gari, Kouchi-gari, Koshi-guruma, Tsuri-komi-goshi, Okuri-ashi-harai, Tai-otoshi, Harai-goshi,...